Adding the goodness of spice to your life! Come try our Malabar Pizzas!

Adding the goodness of spice to your life! Come try our Malabar Pizzas! Spice spice spice! = really really nice! What would we do without spice? “I believe in the magic of preparation. You can make just about any food taste wonderful by adding the perfect combinations of herbs and spices. Experiment with garlic, cilantro,… Continue reading Adding the goodness of spice to your life! Come try our Malabar Pizzas!

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Palak Paneer Pizza: Bring home the goodness of spinach and paneer in a box of happiness

Palak Paneer Pizza: Bring home the goodness of spinach and paneer in a box of happiness We’re fairly certain not many of us were enthusiastic as kids when it came to green leafy veggies unless you were also inspired by the famous cartoon character Popeye, who achieved all his strength from a can of spinach… Continue reading Palak Paneer Pizza: Bring home the goodness of spinach and paneer in a box of happiness

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