Adding the goodness of spice to your life! Come try our Malabar Pizzas!

PIZZERIA - RAPIZZA | Best Indian Style Pizza In Canada

Adding the goodness of spice to your life! Come try our Malabar Pizzas!

PIZZERIA - RAPIZZA | Best Indian Style Pizza In Canada

Spice spice spice! = really really nice!
What would we do without spice?

“I believe in the magic of preparation. You can make just about any food taste wonderful by adding the perfect combinations of herbs and spices. Experiment with garlic, cilantro, basil and other fresh herbs on vegetables to make them taste great.”
-Jorge Cruise

Did you know, that data across numerous studies indicates that certain spices — like cumin, cinnamon, turmeric, peppers, and chilies — can raise your metabolic resting rate?

We could actually be burning more as we eat!

We think of the Malabar coast and the intense flavours and aromas of cardamom, pepper, cloves, nutmeg, star anise, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, vanilla, and tamarind are some of the popular flavours that come to our minds! Ayurvedic medicine places a high priority on all of these spices.

This Malabar Coast state is now known as the world's spice city, as it has been in the past. The Coast's flavours are different from those found in other parts of India. Our kitchens are filled with wonderful aromas thanks to the generous aromas of coconut, curry leaves, and mustard seeds.

Are the usual original pizzas becoming a pattern from which you really need to break free ni?
Want to experiment with something new while still sticking to the old roots?

Then it will be necessary to extend a spin to the usual Pizza griddle with a flourish on your standard take-out order.
Well, we recommend the Indian-style pizza, like RAPiZZA's Malabar pizza, which may be the ideal alternative.

And how could we not share?
Have you tried our Malabar Pizzas yet?

With a powerful explosive flavour of stir fried beef which our pizza experts simply toss and turn into bite-sized pieces of flavour, over high heat in a little hot oil, the job is finished in five minutes or less. Crisp and vivid. Flavorful, tender, and well-seared!

It also has an infusion of coconut gravy! If you're curious about the flavour of coconut curry, it's creamy but mainly savoury, with traces of seasoning from the curry chicken. Crushed red chilies, garlic, lemongrass, green onions and ginger are used to add magic to the gravy

Our mozzarella peppers are a storm of flavours! Peppers, rosemary, and chilies, are added to the cheese for a kick. This semi-soft, open-textured cheese has a spicy flavour but a delicate and buttery aftertaste.

Here’s why you need to try out Malabar Pizzas!

  1. It’s something you’ve never tried before.
  2. It’s fresh! Healthy and a better choice to any other pizza in the market!
  3. 3. Spices that blow up in your mouth and teleport you right to the Malabar Coast!
  4. A detonation of spice! Sweet and savoury all at once!
  5. Authentically sourced spices, fresh vegetables are a plus point on the health facet!
  6. Meat so tender, you cannot stop going mmmm…! Where are the meat lovers at?
  7. A better health alternative to other pizzas as the spices definitely spice up your metabolism!
  8. The best pizza toppings you can wager for!
  9. Pocket friendly! Definitely worth it!
  10. Served in the blink of an eye! We’re quick! And won’t keep you waiting to serve you the best pizzas ever!
  11. Keeping our mothers happy with its healthy take while also not giving up on our stance to get pizza! It’s a win win! Everyone’s happy

“Variety is the spice of life” was probably invented to reflect how adding multitude to our experiences will add value to our life by making it more enjoyable. Diversity in what we do has the same effect on our lives as seasoning has on our food.

Maybe we cannot do much to add variety to your day to day chores but we can definitely make your food more spicy and exciting! It makes it more enjoyable, intriguing, and significant. Our spices can be used as a binding agent as our tasty pizzas can be used to treat your pangs of hunger and boredom with the same old things!

Speaking of enjoyable things! We urge you to try our ever favourite, and much famous Malai Tikka Pizzas! Ever thought you’d hear such a big fusion pizza? We bet not!

Order now to avail the best discount coupons, because they’re selling like hotcakes! Oh wait...we mean hot pizzas!

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